As of Oct 6, 2004 (Hit Reload on your browser if this date looks old)
If you plan on attending and your name is not listed below.

Years are when a member pledged

Paul Rowe '98
Jeff Thibodeau '98

Jeff Clarkin '96
Todd Shea '96

Kurt Simons '95

Mike Czarnecki '94
Patrick "KP" Downs '94
Paul Liebfried '94
Tom Horgan '94
Aaron Trahan '94

Bill Carter '93

Francis Boegemann '92
Raymond Fournier '92
Brennan Jacoby '92
Chris Kelsey '92
Mark Person 92'

Tim (Fuji) Norman '91
Edward Rizzuto '91
Paul Tassone '91

Jeff Clarkin '90
Darren Nordin '90

Jim Lewis '89

Dan Langley '88
Steven Meusea '88

Tim Carlow '87
Dan Carter '87
Bill Chaplin '87 (Chappy)
Steve LeCain '87
Sid Rivas '87
Todd Savolis '87
Joseph Smith '87

Norm Sardella '86

Bob Cassidy '85
John Churcher '85
Ron Michaud '85
Alan Murphy '85

Cleo Campbell '84
Bill McGunigle '84

Gary McDonald '79

Dave Coughlan '78

Kevin F. Conley '77

Russell Tillinghast '75

Bud McInerney '76
Bob Vechione '76

Rick Ruberti '75

Marc Coughlan '74
Dwaine Chilcot '74

Joseph Kraemer '71

Mark Leonarda '70
James Sharkey '70

Stephen Keating '69

Ronald Berthiaume '64
Philip DeRosa '64
Bill Kelly '64

Eric Alitalo '60
John Anderson '60
Armen Harootian '60
Johan Kane '60

Thomas Flynn '58
Ted Pikora '58
William Walsh '58

Frank Lentine '57
Frank Worthley '57

Roger Berthiaume '56

Peter McDonnell '55

Robert Nearine '50
Al Russo '50

Dr. James Fiorello '46
